Team 84 that makes this application happen...
Tech:NodeJs Express EJS CSS
A singular author blogging tool system that enables the author to post blogging posts and readers to react to the posts posted by the author.
View MoreTech:NodeJS EJS Express Various APIs
A personalized weather and environment alert system catered towards parents to help them better plan family activities and ensure child safety. It allows parents to connect with others and share advice about the weather, all in one place.
View MoreTech: C++ JUCE
Using the framework JUCE and written in C++, created a DJ Deck Application, named OtoDecks, that allows uers to play and do modifications to the song such as changing the pitches of the song.
View MoreTech:HTML CSS
The current webpage that you are on. Written from benginning.
View MoreTech: P5.js HTML
Using P5.JS and HTML, A snooker game is created.
View MorePython Sqlite Django
RESTFUL API application that populates a database (SQLite) with gene data from csv files, allowing researchers to query data (Django REST Framework) from the database as and when they need.
View MoreSkit-learn Machine Learning Libaries Juypter NoteBook Django
RESTFUL API application that populates a database (SQLite) with gene data from csv files, allowing researchers to query data (Django REST Framework) from the database as and when they need.
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